Every moment of your existence, when you are a responsible creator, you do the things that will lift you into a higher consciousness.
Dr John-Roger
Every waking moment of every day, whether we are consciously aware of it or not, we make decisions as to what to focus on and what we focus on has our affection. A responsible creator is someone who is mindful, someone who is willing to bring awareness to and take responsibility for their thoughts.
Creating resolutions and setting goals (at anytime of the year) isn’t just helpful but can be a powerful and highly effective practice. But doing it responsibly empowers us to create what we really want.
Consider starting by setting an intention. Grab your journal and take a little time to sit quietly and ask yourself, what is it I really want? And let the answer bubble up to the surface. Don’t edit, just write it down. Trust yourself. Remember, getting quiet allows us to hear what our Soul has to say.
Whatever has your attention has your affection.
Eric Sanzone
I am not suggesting that we ignore the pain. Pain is indeed inevitable, it is a part of life and, like everything, it arises in Presence. Awakening does not mean we no longer have struggles but rather that we recognize our innate ability to meet those struggles without attaching to them. But this takes practice. And vigilance. And a deep desire to prioritize Freedom.
Easier said than done.
If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.
Lao Tzu
This is challenging because it may mean opening old wounds. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather do just about anything but that! However, it is in the meeting of these wounds, sitting in the Fire, that we are able to let it go. And, at the end of the day, this is really all we want–the ability to simply be here, to meet even the most painful story.
The process takes great courage. And determination. You must be willing to meet the pain again and again until the charge has dissolved. And it will. I promise. I am here to remind you that you have the God-given, inherent ability to come to rest within the discomfort of that pain.
So, take some time, create resolutions & goals. Consider a ritual or ceremony, make a list of what works, what you want to grow in your life, and, equally important, a list of what doesn’t work, the things you’d like to eliminate. Light some candles and put some Essential Oil in your diffuser. I love Young Living’s blend Believe because for me it is grounding & empowering).
Step three: Now burn, shred, destroy the list(s) of things you no longer want. This is our way of signifying that you are done with those things. Take your time here … send these thoughts, things, etc. off with love, thank them for the part they played, the teaching they offered … then let them go.
Next, step four, play with the list of things you want in your life … get creative, draw, color, write, consider making a vision board–put yourself in that picture.
And whatever you do, never stop believing … you’ve got this! So, open your heart to the endless possibilities. Spread your beautiful, glorious, gossamer wings and fly!
Thanks Lee, this really resonates with me. I am going through stuff and I have some Believe from the mercury in Retrograde DIY, so, I will “Believe” it will help me in my journey.