Run From What’s Comfortable! 🏃🏃‍♀️🏃🏾‍♂️

In our weekly Sunday Morning Meditation, we explored Values and ways that we step away from our values to please others—such as a boss, friend, or family member.

The first question to arise was: What are your values? Then, of course, why do you dismiss or set aside your values?

Then someone asked: What are you hiding from? 

Hmm, great question. Lots of interesting exploration on that idea. Today, on, an author posed a similar question: Where are you headed?

All of this was rambling around in my head when I remembered another important question: When floundering in the throes of a health crisis situation last year, a dear friend asked me: What do you really want?

What’s Really Going On?

These questions and observations were incredibly intriguing and certainly got my full attention. Each hit me smack in the middle of my heart as some of the best Self-inquiry questions. What’s really going on? 

No wonder I woke this morning with so much discomfort. I felt frustrated and overwhelmed—a wrangling sense of grief and despair. So I did what I do every day: lie in bed, close my eyes, and do several rounds of conscious breathing—inhale, hold, exhale. My body relaxed, but the fear still bumbled around like an old, tired tumbleweed meandering across the road.

Like many, I struggle with who I am and what I want. I’m tired of doing and being what I think others want and expect from me. I’ve done this all my life. 

The biggest gift the recent health crisis I went through gave me was the recognition that it was time to move on and embrace me. The real, genuine me.

Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are.

Brene Brown

Your Authentic Self

I’ve been the chameleon all my life. I thought that all I wanted was to fit in, to be like others, and to be liked and accepted. When someone would praise me, I fed off that praise like a drug, always craving the next hit of what appeared to be love and acceptance. 

When someone indicated they didn’t like me or that I did something wrong, I fell apart and got swallowed up in self-pity. Really, I just wanted to love and be loved.

Exploring my values and recognizing I betrayed them has instigated my coming clean and tossing my chameleon suit. I just want to be me, 100%. Take it or leave it; it’s your choice.

Is it time for you to engage your authentic self? To give in and follow your own values?

Run from what’s comfortable. Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation. Be notorious. I have tried prudent planning long enough. From now on, I’ll be mad.


What Do I Value?

This is the best question because it is the foundation for everything else in life! 

Most of all, I value honesty, authenticity, and compassion. I vow to live from these values from this day forward. 

What do you value? What is most important to you?

What Am I Hiding From?

Me, myself, and you. I don’t know you; most who read this only know me through my writing. For all my life, I was afraid of who I really was and even more afraid that you’d find out. Well, as I said, not anymore.

Are you hiding from your authentic self?

Where Am I Headed?

Towards madness! Certainly towards the uncertainty of living within the fear. Embracing the fear. Reputation be damned. I want to be notorious!

Can you leap empty-handed into the void and be your true, authentic self? 

What Do I Really Want?

Freedom! I’m running from what is safe and comfortable. Unveil me! 

I want to recognize when the past is present, invite it in for tea, and send it on its way with a bag of homemade cookies and lots of love. 

This is my homework, and maybe yours as well. 

What do you really want?


    1. Thank you so much, Luisa. It is always so heartwarming to know that my words help. Yay! Watch out, world; here she comes! Let me know if I can support you in any way. Lee

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