Increase the capacity for self-love and compassion
Because the natural frequency of plants most closely matches that of us humans, we use them to increase our vibrational frequency allowing us to find balance and inner peace and reduce stress and anxiety.
Lee Byrd
On any given day us humans are subjected to an increasing amount of stress which increases our anxiety. There is the whole crazy political scene, the pandemic, our jobs, relationships, etc. The list is endless. When presented with the challenges of today we have two basic choices: resist or go with the flow.
Resistance does not help and can even be harmful. And going with the flow can seem impossible. But to obtain inner peace and strengthen our innate ability to meet what is here in any moment, flowing is truly the only sane choice.
I do not mean to infer that we stick our head in the sand and pretend that the stressful things are not happening. No, just the opposite, actually. By taking a break we give our nervous system and our emotional body the opportunity to come into balance. This is where we find inner rest. And inner rest results in more clarity allowing us to make decisions that support rather than destruct.
A simple practice to help reduce or eliminate stress:
This practice does not require anything formal. I do this in the midst of a difficult conversation or a meeting and always at the end of one of the day.
Start by choosing an Essential Oil.
- Lavender, known as the body-balancer, it works where it is needed. I use it for emotional balance and support.
- Geranium to calm the nervous system because of its sedative properties.
- Copaiba which helps elevate the mood and lift depression.
Diffuse – when possible.
Inhale – place a drop or two in your palm and massage gently (2 or 3 rotations). Breathe in the essence of the oils. As you do this, imagine that every single cell in your body is being throughly bathed by this magic.
Apply – to your temples and to the Brain Integration point (1″ above the center of the top of your ear) and to the release points on the back of the neck where the head and spine meet.
Get comfortable
Wherever you are, home, office, etc., do your best to sit (or lie if that is appropriate) comfortably. It helps to keep the spine straight but relaxed. (see below for suggested version if you are driving*).
Take a moment and look around your immediate environment. Look to each side, look up and down at the ground/floor, and look behind you.
Bring your awareness to your breath. Take three or more deep conscious breaths. Breathe into the diaphragm, hold for a moment, release slowly.
Now notice your physical body. I like to start with my feet. Here we become the witness as we slowly scan our body, noticing what physical sensations are present. Do your best here to keep your awareness on the body and the breath.
When time permits, consider journaling about what it is that is stressful and what happened during this short meditation.
Stress While Driving
Today, no matter where you live, driving is often a necessity. Interacting with other drivers traffic and being aware of pedestrians can cause stress. What can you do?
While the above may not be doable while behind the wheel, there are some simple things you can do. Here is my suggestion:
- Diffuse – I have a couple of small car diffusers and always add an oil before starting the engine. Suggestions: Peace and Calming, Stress Away and Lavender to name a few.
- When any intense emotion arises, ask: Do I need to pull over? If stress is acute, this is always the best option. It only takes a few minutes to calm my nervous system.
- Breathe – remembering to take a few deep breaths helps calm my nervous system immediately.
- Take a moment to become aware of my self-talk and to remind myself out loud that I am ok and capable of making safe decisions.
Before using any essential oils please read this disclaimer:
If you have questions or want to order any Young Living essential oil products, leave me a message here. If you’d like to open your own Young Living Wholesale account, go here: