Self-Inquiry Journaling

Journaling is a way to bring awareness to our thoughts and patterns that keep us chained to the past. It is intimate and personal which gives us the opportunity to be completely honest. The Self-Inquiry process is a way to recognize what is really going on, empowering us to make life-altering change.

This is not a test, there are no rules, no right or wrong. Let your imagination run free here – use color, graphics and photos, don’t hold back. It is only for you. Take your time, and be very tender, allow the emotions to surface.

Start with the Body Awareness Meditation (

After meditation, from this place of rest and inner peace, reflect on these questions. Here we are exploring one of our stories. Perhaps this is the telling of a recent life experience. Maybe this story is one that reoccurs over and over, one that you may be working through now.  

What is one story are you carrying around?

  1. Keep your awareness on the physical sensations in your body
  2. Write out the whole story – name names, include as much detail as possible 
  3. Does writing this story out invoke any emotions? Write about that – how it feels now, in this moment, to put these things down on paper?
  4. Breathe*
  5. Find the physical sensations within your body.
  6. Can you allow these sensations?
  7. What emotions are here now? 
  8. Breathe
  9. Ask yourself if it is ok to feel these emotions.
  10. Write about the sensations that arise as you come to rest with this story.

There are no right or wrong answers. This is a sacred journey. Be as honest as you can and always be very tender with yourself.

*Breathe: A simple conscious breath of inhaling deep into the abdomen. Hold the breath for just a moment. Exhale very slowly. I do this to a count – inhaling to the count of 4, hold for 1, exhale to the count of 8. 

Life is the sacred mystery singing to itself, dancing to its drum, telling tales, improvising, playing.


Essential Oil Suggestions:

Diffuse Frankincense – strengthens our connection to the Divine

White Angelica – inhale, sweep over body especially the Crown and Third Eye. White Angelica invokes a deep sense of protection and inner safety.


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