Cultivating Presence

Presence is the innate ability to simply be here with what is arising.

We have the innate ability to free ourselves from emotional patterns no matter how traumatic. This will take vigilance and determination and an undying desire for Freedom. Some will dissolve almost immediately and others, those that are deeper, will take time. And it is so worth the effort.

Our goal in releasing these memories is not to bypass, deny or ignore them but rather to invite them in and sit in their healing fire. If we have the courage to meet the pain, we can begin to see what is really here and in the seeing and feeling of these emotions we begin to liberate ourselves.

Cultivating Presence is growing our awareness of everything just as it is,
in the moment.

As we get quiet and observe, we ask, ‘Can I just allow this, can I be here now with these sensation? This question is nonjudgmental; it is a reflective pointing to where there is resistance both physically and emotionally.  So, go slow, take your time, notice what happens within the body, notice the story that is arising. Ask yourself, can I allow these sensations and this story?

Now we sit in Silence together, eyes closed or open, our attention on the breath.  Knowing that we are indeed safe we can allow the emotions to just be here.

We must always start where we are in order to create the changes we want. This is where our power lies.  This is Presence.

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