The Art of Releasing Emotional Patterns

There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You are perfect just the way you are.

Lee Byrd

Honor the Inherent Wisdom

To let go of old, sometimes destructive patterns, it is necessary for us to meet and acknowledge them as they are. We don’t need to like them, let alone love them, but we must start where we are. True healing requires that we drop any agenda and all judgements around these patterns.

Emotions are not good or bad, they simple are. They come from our energy system not, as most of us believe, from some external source such as an event or person. The external source simply serves as the trigger that brings the emotion to the surface.

Memories are held in the cells of our bodies and, when triggered, will naturally arise. Certain situation will continue to set off certain emotional responses until we meet them and begin the task of releasing and reprogramming.

There is great freedom to be had but you must do the work and you must be committed to a life of freedom and authentic love. Are you ready?

Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose. ~Janis Joplin

The first step is to sit with the physical sensations of these emotions. As we do this we begin to sense what energy points maybe out of balance. Meeting the pain and all that it brings, acknowledging what is here now, is paramount if healing is to happen. Then, ask yourself, “am I willing to let this go?” Wait for the answer and, whatever that is, honor it and this process. See if you can do this without judgement.

Body-awareness guided meditation Audio

Body Awareness Guided Meditation:

When we shift our awareness away from seeing emotions as bad and as obstacles we are able to come fully present with what is here, what is arising. This then provides the ability to see emotions in their true light, loving messages from the Soul. With gratitude for the opportunity, we move towards our desire to heal and begin to create a life based on authentic love. This is our birthright.

This is not always easy, it can be messy and it is never for the faint of heart.  More often than not it will take time. It requires diligence and tenacity. Tenderness is key.  Are you ready?

Your emotions are a song written only for you. Your job is to listen.

Gary Zukav

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