How do I know my True Divine Nature ? An interesting question. We don’t ask the lungs to breathe nor the heart to beat. Since our first breath we trust, without questioning, the body to continue taking in the needed air. Without being told to do so, the heart pumps the needed blood and oxygen throughout the body.
Sophia is the Goddess of Wisdom and is your understanding of your spirituality. She is your doubt, your wonder, your journey. She is the elusive wisdom of your spirit.
LaSonya Abdallah
Inherent Wisdom is the knowledge that we are born with but may have forgotten. It is the innate ability to know our True Divine Nature . All that is necessary is for us to recognize, accept, and embrace Truth.
There is nothing to do. Nothing. You already are this truth.
Not knowing our True Divine Nature is a habit. Most of us have been programmed to believe that we need to be different, that we need to fix something, to read another book or sit with yet another teacher. We have filled ourselves with the lie of, not good enough yet, and the promise of, someday when I do this or that or …
All I can say to this is, STOP IT NOW!! It is within your power to change.
It is up to you to reprogram yourself. Change your mantra from the old (not enough), to the truth:
I am Divine simply because I am.
Find Sophia in your heart, listen to her voice, your voice–your True Divine Nature–hear the voice of Oneness, the collective voice of the Soul: You are perfect. You are Divine. Breathe.
Take time everyday to sit in silence, to get to know what silence feels like. This will help you reprogram yourself, to find and accept your True Divine Nature.