Consciously Creating the Life of My Dreams

Creation is Existence’s response to your vibration, whether that vibration is conscious or unconscious. Your thought processes, your emotional processes are there all the time.


How Can I Begin to Focus on the Life of My Dreams?

There is a rich practice where, at the stroke of midnight on New Years Eve, we leave a door or window open to release the past and welcome in the new. 

I love doing this because it symbolizes my willingness to let go of the past and embrace my innate ability to create the life I truly want to live. It has a forward moving energy which increases my vibrational frequency. This higher frequency produces the magnetic-like energy which attracts more of what I really want. It is simple physics. (What is the law of vibration?)

Why Is Increasing My Frequency Important?

Whether we are aware of it or not, every waking moment of every day, we are making conscious and sometimes unconscious decisions about what to focus on. And what we focus on becomes our reality.

Dwelling on the things in our life that make us smile and bring us joy raises our frequency. Higher vibrational frequencies allow the body’s nervous system to relax, which in turn lets us see our life more clearly. From this state we begin to truly know our own True Divine Nature, to deeply experience inner peace.

How Can I Raise My Frequency?

Raising our frequency is quite easy. First ask why you want what you want. Let’s try a little exercise:

Take a moment to get quiet and identify one thing that you really want. More money? More or different friends, maybe a love relationship? A different, better job, or a wonderful partner, a better home or car or _?_ (fill in the blank). 

Now ask yourself why? 

Go slow here and be honest, what are you really looking for? It’s ok to want a new job, relationship, home or car, but go beneath the surface of that wish and ask yourself why. 

Other than the obvious, what is it that your desire will give you? Independence? Reliability? Love? Security? Okay. What do independence, reliability, love and security offer? 

Keep digging, keep asking why. Sooner or later you will discover that, as sweet as it might be to have this new thing in your life, the real reason is to create a personal level of safety and inner peace. 

It has been my experience over the years with working on myself and with walking others through this process, that what we ultimately want is to be here in this moment, to find inner peace within any life situation. This lays the foundation of conscious creation.

News Flash: The inner peace we seek is already here in this moment. Inner peace is innate, it is our birthright.

How Can I Be A Conscious Creator? 

By intentionally creating a vision for your life based on what you really want, (not what you think you want), you turn towards consciously creating a life free from suffering, a life of infinite possibilities.

To be a conscious creator, start by embracing your True Divine Nature of Love, Peace, Beauty, Joy. It is so much more fun and way more powerful when we ask for what we want from this place.

To consciously create the life you want, here is what I suggest:

  • Always start by finding a quiet place to sit with little or no distractions.
  • Do some deep intentional breathing. I suggest at least 3 rounds.
  • Maybe light a candle and diffuse some essential oil. “Believe” is an amazing essential oil blend to help you on this journey.
  • Grab your journal and write out the question: What do I really want to manifest in my life now?
  • Sit still for a few minutes and let the answers come (practicing more intentional breathing will help you get and stay grounded). 
  • Then write, without censoring or editing yourself. Just let the words flow. Be specific, detailed. 

After writing out your vision, think about creating a visual representation of your thoughts, such as a vision board. All you need for this fun activity is some posterboard or heavy paper, scissors, old magazines, used greeting cards, postcards, drawings, photos, and glue. Arrange the words and images in a way that’s pleasing to you. Then glue them down onto the surface to bring your vision into focus. 

I do this exercise whenever I feel like I am at a crossroads in my life. By taking my time and focusing on what I really want, my path gets clear and I can then create an action plan. This is conscious creation at its best.

How Do I Begin Fulfilling My Dream?

Once you are finished with creating your vision and writing your reflection, name one thing you can do now to start the momentum towards fulfilling your dream.

  • List a reasonable goal you can achieve right now
  • List tasks associated with this specific goal
  • Create an action plan, like a timeline, a to-do list
  • Take one step toward the achieving the first item, then another, then another, one step at a time

Be conscientious, be tender. This is your vision and you can change your mind anytime you want.

But whatever you do, never stop believing. You’ve got this. Open your heart to the endless possibilities. Spread your beautiful, glorious, gossamer wings and fly!

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