Inherent Wisdom

Inherent Wisdom: Remembering Who We Are

Recognize and reach out to the inherent great power within you.

Lailah Gifty

Inherent wisdom is our innate ability to know and embrace our True Divine Nature, which is the intrinsic, fundamental foundation of our spiritual and emotional well being. It’s who we are at the core of our soul.

Always available to everyone, it is not knowledge set aside for the chosen few. Nor must our True Divine Nature be earned or accomplished. It’s there within us at birth; we carry this deeply held Nature with us through life.

Divine is another word for God or Universe or the One Source. Theologians and scholars have discovered ancient writings disclosing this truth—we are all 100% Divine and 100% Human. Our task here as humans is to integrate our humanity and Divine nature. This is what is meant by awakening. 

Although it is possible to experience a spontaneous awakening of consciousness, many of us don’t. Our awakening comes in layers allowing us to absorb the experience more fully as we become more conscious. 

Looking back over my life I realize I’ve had many instances of awakening. The first time was over 50 years ago when I took LSD and sat at the open front door of my home watching the trees. The drug made everything shiny and bright. Then I noticed that I seemed to stop existing as a separate entity, as did the house. I found myself melting into the environment, becoming one with the trees and grass and birds and blue sky. I knew that everything was perfect just the way it was in that very moment. I felt held and loved and nurtured by everything around me. I assumed it was the drugs and didn’t give it much thought until years later.

For me other awakening experiences were less dramatic but impactful. I remember moments of having a peaceful happy heart dancing in the sunlight, always accompanied by a deep knowing that everything was perfect.

Spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle had a consciousness awakening experience as a young boy. He’d been living in fear and dread since birth. When he was about 13, he woke one night with so much anxiety that he thought about killing himself. It was then that he felt himself “drawn into what seemed like a vortex of energy which led to a state of enlightenment.”*

What Holds Us Back?

Fear. From birth we are taught and absorb many limiting beliefs. If we don’t take the time to examine and question these beliefs, they become our habit. These habits are almost always lies that constantly tell us something is wrong with us, that we are not good enough, we have no Inherent Wisdom, we are not worthy of our own Divinity. All lies.

Ancient texts, such as the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, tell us that we are children of the Divine and are inherently beautiful and perfect, just the way we are. We are Love, pure and simple.

Yet, today, many religions as well as cultural norms dictate what we believe, think, say and do. These can range from the benign such as not wearing white after Labor Day, to the superstitious such as blessing someone who has sneezed. But some beliefs can be emotionally debilitating and even harmful. Examples include judging others because of their sexual orientation or color of their skin. Imagine growing up and being told, either directly or via cultural implications, that you are less than worthy because of someone else’s beliefs.

How then can we embrace our Inherent Wisdom, our True Nature, if we believe we are unworthy? How do we get to know our own Divinity? 

We change our own personal beliefs. We are powerful creators, us humans. We have been endowed with free will and the ability to change this old programming. We start with trusting ourselves or at least faith that we can change our beliefs to better serve our own Divinity.

However, love, peace and happiness are inherent in the knowing of our own being. In fact, they are the knowing of being. They are simply other names for our self.

Rupert Spira

Exploring Beliefs

Everything in the universe is within you. Ask all of yourself. ~Rumi

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From and article by Steve Taylor

1 comment

  1. Lee, a core belief I have is that I am inherently good. This belief serves me well, especially when old programming says “You’re not good enough.” When I go beneath that unnecessary fear, my inner truth says “You’re good, you’re divine, and you are love.” I am good enough!
    Thanks for this inspiring activity. 💜 Aimee

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